Topping my list, my classmates - I believe that in every journey meeting new people will always be one of the greatest parts of it. I was able to found new friends in different fields making our learning productively diverse in nature. Our class is compose of educators, researchers, information officers and others who are employed to different local government units, government agencies and development organizations. 

Second, our Professors – for this semester our class is under three of the most brightest, supportive, and approachable development communicators. They make sure that we are instructed well to make our self-study to modules, supplemental readings and even in our online discussions productively. Professors Tagle, Fuchigami and Dacawe also make it to the point that important things are well discussed during our once a month face-to-face discussions. 

With a hectic schedule in my job most of the times, the mode of learning in the Open University is more convenient to me. In an open and distance mode of learning, I do not attend classes in classrooms regularly. Modules and other supplementary reading materials are given to me/us for self study, and with this kind of set up I was able to gain new knowledge and skills wherever I am whether at work, at home or even on travel in my most convenient place and time. 

Also included in my list are the modules given to students. These modules are comprehensive having all necessary information that needs to be discussed on the respective subjects. It is presented clearly making it for us easy to understand. Progress check tests and the module tests are challenging and are also helpful in discovering new insights. The modules are also packaged well. 

Next in my list of the 10 things I like/experienced at BSU – OU is the online class/discussions. I appreciate the idea of using different social networking sites in holding classes and discussions, this proves that modern medium of communication are not only for leisure and entertainment but a student can gain knowledge and skills through different activities in the virtual class. Interacting with my classmates in our online classes also develops my sense of participation in sharing my thoughts to different topics. 

Also in my list, the ever accommodating staffs of the Open University. The three non-teaching staff always guides us to make our studies in the university organize and keep us updated with changes in schedules, room assignments and even submission of requirements. They also make it a point to answer our communications on time. 

I also commend the overall structure of BSU – OU. Classrooms are prepared every time we have a class, it is clean and a comfortable place for class discussions. The comfort room is well maintained.

It is also worthy to include in my list the stair of the Open University building. For me this is symbolic, reminding us the students who are advancing our studies that the road going there will not be easy if we are not going to have the courage to step on it to finally reach the planned direction. 

The cold weather in the Cordilleras will always be a favourite consideration among students who choose to study in schools in the region. The weather adds up something special in the whole experience of studying in Benguet State University. It makes our classes more comfortable that always result to productive face-to-face discussions. 

And completing my list of the 10 things I like/experienced at Benguet State University – Open University, flowers bloom. Who would not be inspired seeing beautiful blooming flowers that welcome students? Seeing flowers is a visual feast that gloriously highlights how wonderful our place we live in – and how wonderful life is.


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